
Daily Dose of Optimism

Today was one of those days that seemed to drag on forever, and by the time your sitting staring at your computer screen, its 10 pm and you wonder what you've done with the past 22 hours. And as excited as you are to go to sleep, your less excited for what the next day has for you. And although I should at least try to be optimistic right now, the pressure of everything has made that option null and void long ago. The best I can do is drink as much caffeine as possible and push through the next while. JOY!

Shirt - 90's Tommy Hilfiger 
Pants - Margiela x H&M
Shoes - Converse 

On a lighter note, that is what I wore today. I neglected to pick out an outfit the night before, so scrambling this morning I decided to throw on some random, mildly fun top. I typically have a few rules I follow if I don't know what to wear. 

-Wear a fun top that I havn't worn in a while
-Wear tapered pants
-Don't wear glasses

These rules have proven to be fool proof, and the outcome is never anything outstanding. Just mildly pleasing, and enough to get me through the day without feeling awful about my choices. 

Since today is that start of my 'long weekend', I wish you all a good rest of your week. I will try to conjure up something to post about. 


ps, I recently discovered a group called The Chevin. And though I have only listened to a few of their songs so far, I am definitely liking what I am hearing. And my image above was sort of inspired by their album cover. 

The Chevin - Beautiful World  This is one of my favourites right now. Enjoy ! 

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